COVID Information
Thank you for your ongoing support of Blue Angel Reiki Centre over the challenging past year. We are pleased to announce that the Centre is open again for classes, courses, and private consultations, with a few operational changes to ensure the safety of our community.
Blue Angel Reiki Centre has a registered CovidSafe Plan, and will continue to adhere to Australian Government and Victorian State Government guidelines.
Please note the following important guidelines when applicable for your class or course.
All participants must be double vaccinated in order to attend our classes, courses and workshops.
WEAR A MASK and please make use of the hand sanitiser provided on entry to the centre, and as required.
Filtered water is available, BYO Bottle. Disposable cups are also available. BYO cutlery if needed.
IF YOU ARE UNWELL, stay home.
if you show any symptoms of Covid-19, or have been in close contact with some diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last fortnight, please stay home.
IF YOU ARE UNWELL, stay home.
if you show any symptoms of Covid-19, or have been in close contact with some diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last fortnight, please stay home.
Please maintain social distancing (1.5 meters) when using common areas – we ask you to practice patience and courtesy during these times.
Disinfecting wipes are available for your use to quickly wipe surfaces before/after your use.
Please BYO towel & blanket. Quality, affordable small size, Nepalese woollen blankets /shawls are available for purchase if desired.
The centre will be cleaned after each session to ensure the highest standard of hygiene. All general touch surfaces (kettle, cupboard/drawer handles, door handles, taps) will be wiped down at the commencement and end of each class/course, and as required.
Please consult with course/class facilitator regarding equipment and props that are required during class or course.